Skitarii - WH40K Adeptus Mechanicus Armour and Weapons - “Armour and weapons based on the Skitarii tech-warriors of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.”
Relic Space Marine - “Become a mighty leader of a space marine army! This mod builds on the previous mod I made, adding melee weapons and new relic armor to the game.“ Great Patriotic Warhammer 40 - “Adds the ultimate fascist crushing power armour for all your anti-imperiumism needs.”
Replacement Sound for Bolt Gun - “This is a sound replacement for the Boltgun(The Bolter) from The Space Marine mod.” The Space Marine - “Become the mighty space marine! This mod adds the famous power armor with many of the chapters and two customizable bolt gun's from the Warhammer 40,000 Universe!” All able to be found in the Commonwealth by the player.” Includes Bolt Pistols, Bolters, Storm Bolters, Lasguns, plasma weapons and much more. + MoreĤ0k Weapons - “Conversion of weapons from the 40K Warhammer genre. Warhammer 40k universe, complete with cloth physics.
Warhammer 40k Volkite weapons - “These are a set of Volkite weapons from Warhammer 40k / 30k.”Ĥ0k Sisters of Battle - Adeptus Sororitas - “A complete set of servo armor, power sword, bolter rifle & bolter pistol.